Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Las Puertas

All in all, we have had a very productive day here in the city getting ready for the gallery opening. When we arrived at Casa Arias this morning, the man we hired to clean/polish the floors of the gallery was already hard at work. We had also planned on hiring someone to paint the front doors of the gallery... but he wanted $400!!! Um, I'm pretty sure a can of paint costs $19, so we told him he was out of his mind and sent him away. We then proceeded to go to the Novey, the local hardware store, to but paint and supplies. Guess what... a can of paint DOES cost $19! In total, we spent $43 on paint, supplies, and still had money left over for a snack. While we were safe at the hardware store, Christian and Cade went to el Rey... in the most dangerous part of Panama. More to come on this story.

After buying cups and napkins for la fiesta at the $.99 store across from Novey, we headed back to the gallery to begin painting. Five hours and a few Balboas later, we are watching the second coat of paint dry. I must say, it looks like a $400 paint job. We are still amazed by our frugal awesomeness.

Well, it looks like we are off to visit our friend Rene for dinner. Pork chicken or fish anyone? Tonight... we make sangria!


1 comment:

  1. Gatsby- make sure you take a picture of that amazing door! ;)
